Starbucks just can't seem to catch a break this holiday season; just when people were starting to get over the whole red cup fiasco, they've made another holiday faux pas. And it's hard to say if another new holiday flavored latte will be enough to make up for it, but I'll let you decide.

People who think a lot differently than you and me have noticed that their holiday polar bear cookies, which aren't even sold anymore (believe me, I went to a Starbucks to check these cookies out for myself), are a tad bit morbid.

You probably see what I see, an adorable polar bear with a red scarf, heck maybe even the pi symbol, but other people see a polar bear bleeding from a slash across the throat. Seems pretty reasonable.

The internet had some pretty funny things to say about it, of course, and here are some of the best reactions.

What do you see, besides the obvious- a delicious cookie?

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