This gruesome mystery began when someone found two suitcases floating in the cold waters of Traunsee lake in Austria on Monday (1/4).

Real Murder-Suicide Sounds Like Plot to Terrifying Movie
De Agostini/Getty Images

The lake is a popular tourist destination and is located about 50 miles from the Austrian city of Salzburg. Salzburg, on the border with Germany, is the birthplace of Mozart and the setting for The Sound of Music.

What is so unsettling about this story is that it seems more like the plot of a horror movie than something that could possible happen in real life. A benefit to this actually being a movie would be that we would have some kind of backstory. The details are so bizarre that I wouldn't be surprised if Austrian police lost some sleep as they uncover more details.

On Monday, two suitcases were found floating in the lake and they contained the dismembered corpse of a 71-year-old woman. Her head, however, was missing.

On Tuesday, police in Austria told the Associated Press that they had solved the gruesome mystery.

Investigators found a second body in the lake — a 72-year-old man. Attached to his hand was a concrete block. Inside the concrete block was the woman’s head.

The authorities later learned that the two bodies belonged to a married couple from Germany, but they declined to identify either the victim or the alleged attacker. The police believe the man strangled his wife, dismembered her body, and poured concrete into a mold containing her head to make a weight with which to drown himself.

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