The 80s pretty much had the best movies. Think about it, Sixteen Candles, Goonies, Karate Kid, Back to the Future and Dirty Dancing all came from the 80s.

All of those mentioned are considered classics.

They also share one thing in common, the movies all feature stories centered around teenage characters.

While I was too young to really understand all of the things that the characters went through in the 80s, they were all really great.

I knew despite his strange family, Marty McFly was a rock star, Daniel Russo made me want to try karate, Chris Parker was an awesome babysitter, and Ferris Bueller was the coolest.

When I was little, I wanted to be Ferris Bueller.

It gets event better when you consider another classic, Breakfast Club, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this week.

So YouTube'r Robert Jones put together the most 80s thing possible and created a video mixing classic 80s movies (including Breakfast Club) with "Don't You Forget About Me" from Simple Minds.

The video took me back and should do the same to you.

My only complaint was there wasn't enough Adventures in Babysitting.  We need more Elizabeth Shue.

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