I want you to imagine for a moment that one of your beloved pets has gone missing. Your cat, Boots, scurried out the front door the minute one of your kids opened it to go outside and she's been gone for hours. You're pretty confident she knows how to find her way back home but Boots has not returned. So, what do you do? Do you send the kids out looking for her? Call the neighbors and ask if they've seen her? If it gets to be too long, maybe even put up some "Have you seen this cat?" flyers. Probably all of the above, but if that fails, your next best bet is to place an ad on Craigslist.  Bet you didn't think of that.

Well this poor Rockford resident took to Craigslist's Rants and Raves because their cat has been found but the person who found it apparently won't give it back. Take a look.

craigslist rants and raves
Rockford Craigslist

They've also included some photos. Can you help get her back?

Missing Cat in Rockford
Rockford Craigslist

For more photos and contact information, you can click here.


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