Rockford Target Will Bring You Starbucks with Your Pick-up Order
Dreams are coming true everyday on E. State Street in Rockford, now you can order a fresh Starbucks drink with your Target pick-up order.
We used to think we'd have flying cars by the year 2023, we don't. But, what we do have... the ability to get Starbucks delivered to our cars while we wait for our Target orders.
Honestly, typing this out makes me feel LAZY.
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But, that's just the world we live in now, right? We want everything we want immediately which becomes a problem if you used to always grab a Starbucks drink when you went to Target and now you pick up your Target orders and miss that cup of coffee.
Target obviously realized this was a giant first world problem, so they took care of it.
Now you have the option to add a Starbucks order to your Target pick-up order when you go to grab it.
This is life changing.
But, let's be smart ladies and gentlemen. There are Target employees who have to go across the store to get your coffee from Starbucks, which might delay your order pick-up, so make your plans wisely.
How does Starbucks pick-up work at Target?
I talked to the Target employee at the order pick-up last week when I ordered my Starbucks. He told me I did the right thing. I ordered my drink before I got there with enough time for it to be made, and picked up before I got there and wanted my items.
When you order it, they bring you your Starbucks in a bag, which was a bit strange, but it was in a cup holder, so it didn't spill. They're required to give you the Starbucks before anything else.
What will they come up with next??
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