Rockford’s Cold Stone is Teaming Up with RRVBC and, Yes Take My Blood
Giving blood is great for the community, eating ice cream is great for yourself.
You probably have a list of to-do's that you keep putting off. Those to-do's that aren't like super important to your every day life, but things you really mean to do but keep forgetting.
I have a feeling 'giving blood,' is on the top of that list.
You know it's such an amazing thing you can do for someone else, but time ticks away and you forget to put it on your schedule.
Now you can give blood and score ice cream and you know you definitely want that on your calendar!
The Rock River Valley Blood Center is teaming up with Cold Stone Creamery on Wednesday, July 3 from 11 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon to get you to donate blood and fill you with ice cream.