
It Costs HOW MUCH to Pick Up Litter on Illinois' Highways?
It Costs HOW MUCH to Pick Up Litter on Illinois' Highways?
It Costs HOW MUCH to Pick Up Litter on Illinois' Highways?
This is NOT okay. When you're riding on the highway and you have a piece of trash that you want to get rid of, what do you do with it? I REALLY hope it's crumble it up and stick it in your cup holder until you get home to throw it away...
Illinois Businesses Can be Fined For You Not Wearing a Mask
Illinois Businesses Can be Fined For You Not Wearing a Mask
Illinois Businesses Can be Fined For You Not Wearing a Mask
Wear a mask. Do I need to say it again? Wear a mask. One more time for good measure ... Wear. A. Mask. If you didn't have enough reason to before, here's hopefully a reason that will keep Illinois masked up through this pandemic...