PLUS Senate vote on Planned Parenthood, Drink this juice to avoid a hangover, what your favorite drink says about your taste in men and new on DVD & Netflix. #5Things
PLUS Project to remove abandoned buildings, the rejection of unwanted suitors, eye color most associated with alcoholism and new DVD releases. #5Things
5 Things You Need to Know Tuesday - TSA fails big, a type of man likely to cheat, 75% of couples do THIS differently, Tracy Morgan's return and new DVD releases.
5 Things You Need to Know Tuesday - Presidential race gets larger, a trick to help you fall asleep faster, why you should go out by yourself more and new DVD releases.
5 Things You Need to Know Tuesday - County trying to reunite tornado victims with their pets, musical mid-life crisis, attractive men offered fewer jobs, new DVDs and more.
5 Things You Need to Know Tuesday - Your house isn't haunted - it's just dirty, cheese is like heroin, 2 series premiers tonight, new DVDs and a MUST SEE bonus video.