What's your idea of fun? Your answer will likely determine whether you agree with a new ranking which claims Illinois is one of the most fun states - again.
The definition of fun is different, depending on who you're talking to. For some, fun is lights, loud music, and partying. For others, it's a binge marathon of true crime/serial killer shows on Discovery Plus. For one of my neighbors, it's ordering kids, dogs, and leaves off of his lawn.
It may look a little different at N. Union & Second Street in Byron, but change isn't always bad.
Back in early April, one of the most beloved dive bars outside of Rockford served its last round of beer and shots. Many longtime regulars of Century Tap celebrated its lengthy history and memories with drinks, tears, and smiles.
A sports bar in northwest Rockford has decided to toss in the towel after five years in business. The sports fans and beer drinkers that once called this place "theirs" will have to find a new place to make memories.