Illinois' Top Searched Slang Word Is America's Least FavoriteIllinois' Top Searched Slang Word Is America's Least FavoriteWe might think we're slick when searching things on the internet—according to Google, we are the total opposite.EmilyEmily
If You Use This Slang Word You Probably Grew Up In IllinoisIf You Use This Slang Word You Probably Grew Up In IllinoisWhen it comes to slang words, there are certain phrases that can instantly give away where someone is from. If you're from Illinois, you're easily detectable.EmilyEmily
Illinois’ Top Slang Word Definitely Not About DrugsIllinois’ Top Slang Word Definitely Not About DrugsOutside of Illinois, you may think the person is talking about a drug. Honestly, I think if you live outside Chicago you'd think that.Steve ShannonSteve Shannon