Teacher Shows ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ to Class… Guess What Happened
It's that time of year when teachers want summer vacation as bad as students. They're looking for ways to coast to end of the year. 'Movie Day' seemed like a good idea.
I remember the first time I saw one of my teachers out having dinner in the same restaurant as my family and thinking that was weird. Teachers, we thought, didn't do things like that. They didn't do the things 'normal' people did. Here's proof of that.
A high school teacher in Hampshire County, West Virginia made a deal with his students recently. If they did good work, he'd let them watch a movie. One of the students suggested Fifty Shades of Grey. Not sure how this teacher had never heard anything about it in the last 4 years.
So last week, he popped in the movie to reward his class for their good work.
The assistant principal walked by when the class had been watching for about 10 minutes. She recognized the movie, and shut it down. The school principal says, quote, "It was an extreme lack of judgment from an otherwise very capable teacher. [He] didn't do a background check on the movie or even ask about it." There's no word on what kind of discipline he's facing. Follow the story HERE.