How's your holiday shopping coming? I dunno if it's just me, but this year, I am slacking. Usually I have presents wrapped under the tree by now, but nope, not this time.

I bought half of what I need this year, and it's all in little piles on my bedroom floor. I'm waiting for some elves to show up and just take care of everything... that's possible right?

First though, I have to finish shopping, which will probably take place online, and mostly on Amazon. Because, let's get real here, Amazon has EVERYTHING, or at least something good for most of the people on your list.

But, you know, there's a cut-off date for when you need to order things to guarantee they will arrive before Santa does. This year, that date is this Friday, December 19.

Yep, just two days away! Ahh!

This is for regular free Amazon shipping, you have until 11:59 Friday night. If you are an Amazon Prime user, you have a few more days, and if you're willing to pay as much in shipping as you are for your gifts, then hey, wait until the 23rd, but for most of us, we should get those orders in ASAP.

It's the holidays, no one at work is really working this week anyway right? Just shop.


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