Tom Hiddleston has already said the upcoming third Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok, will be his last movie as Loki, Marvel’s delightfully evil God of Mischief. So the dude’s going to need a new job soon. Maybe weatherman?

The video above features Hiddleston (whose career outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe is doing just fine, by the way, with indies like I Saw the Light and High-Rise) on Fox 32, where he joined weatherman Mike Caplan to break down the storm fronts rumbling through the Chicagoland area. In typical Loki fashion, he blamed all the rain on Thor. “The God of Thunder,” Hiddleston quipped, “has brought his skill set to bear on the local weather.”

But should I bring an umbrella to work today? “I SAY THEE NAY!” Hiddleston replied. (Okay, fine, I made that part up. I just like the idea of a weatherman who only speaks in Stan Lee Ye Old Norse English.)

Hiddleston doesn’t show off the best meteorological skills, but c’mon; his suit game is on point. If he parlayed his Loki run into a full-time weatherman gig, he would easily be the most stylish man in the field by a wide margin. And, really, playing a god of lies is maybe the best training you could have to be a weatherman. Nobody believes you anyway.

Hiddleston’s Loki swan song, Thor: Ragnarok, rumbles into theaters on November 3, 2017.

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