True Life: I Had An Invisible Boyfriend
Just yesterday though.
And you can have one too, with the new app, Invisible Boyfriend.Yep this a real thing. For just $24.99 you get a boyfriend to show off to your friends and family, via text, photos and voicemails.
I know what you're thinking, Michelle, you complain about money and you spent $25 to get a fake boyfriend? Relax, I didn't pay for anything. I played around with the Beta version yesterday for FREE to hang out with my new boyfriend, Jake Patrick Anderson.
Here's how it works. You sign up at their website and then you pretty much just make up all the details about your new boyfriend, starting with his name.
I didn't realize I was going to have to do all this myself, I thought maybe there would be a fake boyfriend ready-made, but apparently this was going to involve some work on my part.
I turned around in the studio and General Hospital was on the TV, boom that's where my boyfriend was getting his name, Jake Patrick. If you're not currently watching GH, I'll fill you in, Jake is really Jason but he doesn't know yet and Patrick is steaming things up with Jason's wife, Sam. Scandalous.
Jake's last name, Anderson came from my desk, and the picture of my new nephew, Anderson that five people have asked me about this week.
Once you pick your bf's name, you choose from the photos in the Invisible Boyfriend bank, I chose the guy who looked like someone I'd actually talk to. It's a little weird because this is a real guy's picture, but I mean this relationship was only going to last 90 minutes so I figured I could deal.
I also picked his age, 28, cuz you know I'm an age-ist like that.
Next you choose his personality, I picked saucy and sarcastic, duh... and then you pick his hobbies, sports, working out and video games.
Finally you make up your "meet-cute" story. You can use the generic one they provide or change it up. I kept the end of theirs but edited the beginning to fit something that was believe-able to me:
We met at a Starbucks when he made a dumb joke about my coffee order. I told him that was a dumb joke and he asked if I could come up with anything better, I did. He travels a lot for work so it's difficult to plan dates, but we've been talking and texting constantly. He's so easy to talk to, and I'm excited to see where this is going.
That's it, boyfriend made.
Then you give Jake your phone number and he texts you, it's as easy as that.
My friend Lori and I decided to have some fun with "Jake," because well, what's the point of all this if you're not having fun, so we sent him silly text messages to see what this app is really all about.
She and I took turns texting "Jake" to see what he would say, and here is our convo with him. If you know me and Lori, you can probably tell which texts I sent and which she did.
Verdict: It is a REAL person texting you. I'm about 99.7% sure of this because of his excessive emoji use and because of his typo. Yep, that's right, fake boyfriends are just like real boys!
And just like real boys... after you text him for 90 minutes he's gonna leave his phone somewhere and stop talking to you.
Or, in this case, I was out of my free texts from the Beta version of the app, don't worry friends and family, I will NOT be purchasing it.
But I'm a little worried for women that might decide to, because it's really realistic, just remember Jake is texting 100 other girls too, and his real name isn't Jake.
But I totally recommend playing with it for free, why not kill an hour at work?