Will Twenty One Pilots Release New Music Today? This Theory Points to Yes
Twenty One Pilots have broken their silence exactly one year since the band announced they were going on hiatus.
On July 6, 2017, the genre-blurring duo, comprised of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, announced that they would be going silent after posting lyrics and an image of a closing eye.
But as of today, exactly one year later, the band has broken that silence.
Fans subscribed to the duo's newsletter received an email featuring a gif of a closing eye with the subject line, "ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?"
It isn't entirely clear what the band is trying to communicate, but it appears that Twenty One Pilots is not only returning from its hiatus, but are likely coming back with new music. On June 29, fans noticed that Twenty One Pilots released an 18-second song clip to their since disabled DEMA website.
Fans further noticed that the song clip's file name was listed as "_ _n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d," which sparked a theory from one Twitter user that the seven dashes represented seven days from when the clip was posted and that "friend" was actually "fri" and "end," meaning that their hiatus would end on Friday and a single would come on July 6.
There was also a post from "Clancy" via the now-defunct DEMA website last night that was uploaded to Reddit:
"They’re asleep. The night took forever to arrive, and now we’re almost ready. We’ve studied the watchers, and know that there’s no chance that we can step through unnoticed. So, instead of trying to hide ourselves, we’ll make sure that all of us are noticed. It’s been one year since the last convocation, and tomorrow’s Annual Assemblage of Glorified will be the biggest spectacle this concrete coffin of a city has seen all year.
If we time it right, we’ll divert the attention of the watchers and finally take the step through. We’ve had no contact, but we’re hoping the other side will be able to find a way in. We’re not sure of the breach location, but we are willing to risk being smeared in order to find it. We know that we must go lower, and wait for the torches. They’ve never seen anything quite like this, and by morning, everything will be different. I’m terrified and excited, all at the same time. They don’t control us.
Fans aren't entirely sure what to make of it, but the news has garnered quite a bit of excitement around whether or not the band will release new music by the end of the day.
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