Voting For President By Mail In Rockford
There's an option to vote for the President of the United States in the next election by mail.
I was taught at an early age, that voting is a very important responsibility for citizens of our country. As soon as I turned 18, my Dad took me to get registered. I've voted in every election since then. I've learned the local races are just as important as the Presidential. I even worked for the board of elections for a couple of years. My daughter turned 18 in January and I was proud to take her for the first time to vote last spring.
For the last election, the pandemic was in its early stages here, so we went to vote in-person. By the time the next one takes place, we will be several months in. I don't want to miss out, so I'm weighing all my options.
Yesterday in the mail, I receive an application from the Winnebago County Board of Elections to cast my vote through the mail. You might be getting one too, but if you don't I thought I would share the info. That way you have to chance to do it also.
According to pantagraph.com
"Anyone who is registered to vote in Illinois can request a mail ballot, and anyone who applied to vote in 2018, 2019 or 2020 will automatically receive a vote-by-mail application through the postal service or email."
"Voters must submit their applications either by mail or in-person to their local voting jurisdiction."
"For those who haven't voted in recent years, applications for each jurisdiction can be found at HERE."
You will still be able to vote in-person on Election Day.
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