Walmart Still Serving Customers Without Masks
I'll admit it, I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to verbal confrontations.
I've never been the kind of guy that will get in someone's face and start yelling. Not my style.
Since the pandemic hit, we've been asked to wear masks in stores and other businesses, I've seen countless confrontations on video.
Each time I see one, the whole thing makes me a little uneasy. The thought of walking up to a random stranger and giving them a hard time about not wearing a mask seems crazy to me.
That's why it makes sense, while Walmart is requiring customers to wear a mask when shopping, aren't actually going to enforce the requirement.
Then what does it mean? Is it all just blustery talk coming from a major retail giant hoping and praying everyone just does what they ask? While I can't confirm it, it sure does sound like that might be the case.
For one, I can't blame them. Walmart employees aren't the "Mask Police" and since there isn't a national mandate requiring masks, there isn't much they can do.
Walmart however, is doing their best. They've deployed "Health Ambassadors" who stop those entering the store maskless and provide them with one free of charge. If the customer declines, the employee is then supposed to get the store manager.
In talking points for Walmart ambassadors and management, a member of management is instructed to ask if the customer would like a complimentary mask. If the customer refuses, 'let them continue to shop,' the talking points say. The video tells ambassadors never to engage with a customer physically or try to block their entrance into the store.
Can't say I blame Walmart and at least they're trying to do the right thing. The last thing an employer wants is to see a staff member and customer in another ridiculous fight/argument/confrontation regarding mask-wearing.
Just do as I do, throw a mask on when you go to the store, or if you don't feel like wearing one, order your stuff online.
Simple, easy, and completely devoid of conflict.

Sweet Lenny is the brand manager of 97ZOK, Q98.5, and Operations Manager for Townsquare Media Rockford. Catch him afternoons 3 to 7 on 97ZOK. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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