What Are Rockford’s Chances at a White Christmas?
According to The Weather Channel Madison, WI has a 65% chance at a "White Christmas." What exactly does that mean, and what about Rockford, Illinois?
So what exactly does a Chance at a White Christmas, mean? The Weather Channel has that simply at 1 inch of snow on the ground. So as we look around our area, Madison is at a 65% chance and Chicago checks in at 41% chance of snow on Christmas. Across the country, I guess it's not really a surprise that places like Fargo, ND and Burlington, VT will get snow on the ground Christmas morning for sure.
When you check out WEATHER they have a color coded map that shows that Northern Illinois sits at about a 61-75% chance of a White Christmas historically.
As we all know, the weather can change in a minute around here. It is 2020, which means tornadoes, alien, or aliens in tornadoes on Christmas morning is extremely possible. After the year we have all had, dancing in the rain after the kids open presents wouldn't be all that bad of an idea. I sure hope Santa has the sled "rain" ready.
Historically we have some sort of snow build up on the ground on December 25th, but things could be different in 2020....shocker right? North of us in Wisconsin and Minnesota, the changes are a lot greater....but Rockford, I'm going with no.
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