When you read a story about a woman who allegedly tells her neighbors that she thinks their children look delicious and asks if she can taste them, the first thought that probably comes to mind is, "is this some sort of Halloween prank?" Or maybe you thought that this sounds like the plot for a popular children's fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm; you know the one- Hansel and Gretel. Well, it's neither. It's an actual story out of my home state of Minnesota.

38-year-old Carrie Pernula was arrested Friday after she allegedly sent an anonymous threat to her neighbors in the mail; with two short sentences, "The children look delicious. May I have a taste?" Why? Well, because the kids were being kids.  Not only did she send the creeptastic letter; she also sent magazine subscriptions to the family's home; addressed to "Your Tasty Children."

I think it's safe to say that the porch lights will be turned off at Ms. Pernula's house on Halloween.

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