Tired of spending your good money on bad movies? Let me help you out. I'll give you the trailers, the ratings, run times and my very own expert review.

"The Fault In Our Stars"

Rated PG-13 - Runtime 2 hours 5 minutes

What I think it's about: Emotions, not Emoji. It would be pretty awesome if they made a movie about Emoji. Anyway, if you're as deep as a 2-foot swimming pool, you should stay away from this one..

"Edge of Tomorrow"

Rated PG-13 - Runtime 1 hour 53 minutes What I think it's about: Somebody finds out there is no "Halo" movie and decides to make a movie based on a video game that doesn't exist. Tom Cruise dies a bunch but always comes back. The movie centers around the famed "Contra" code. If you punch in "up, up, down, down, b, a, start," the movie gives you 30 lives.

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