If you're trying to lose weight, these are the people you need to steer clear from.

You might be thinking that it's better to surround yourself with people who can help you with your weight loss goals but they have to be the right people.

I was diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder six years ago, but have really struggled with my weight loss particularly in the last four months.  I'm in the gym everyday, drink lots of water, eat pretty well and I haven't lost a single pound. In fact, I gained 5% more body fat after switching up my workout routine to include HIIT three times a week. I've maybe lost some inches but my frustration level has reached the point of wanting to give up; I even cried in the gym yesterday. It's just so frustrating.

If you've ever felt this way, you're not alone, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're in the best company either. I'm learning that there are so many intricate parts that contribute to achieving your weight loss goals and the last thing that came to mind when getting to where I needed to be was to cut certain people from my life. This isn't to say that they need to be removed permanently, but if you want to get in shape and lose weight, these are the ten people you need to stay away from:

1. The ones who can eat whatever they want and don't gain a pound.

Seriously, how do they do that? It's so unfair. Stupid genetics.

2. Bakers, chefs, great cook...anyone who makes food you can't eat.

You know they use extra butter and garlic, right? That's why all their food is so irresistible and probably the reason you gained weight in the first place.

3. The sharer who asks, “Want a bite?”

The answer is "no"; always "no."

4. The ones who clearly AREN’T on a diet.

They're probably really lucky and don't need to be.

5. The ones who lose weight with little to no effort.

Sounds like my husband. He didn't work out for a month and he lost ten pounds. I had a friend who gave up soda and lost 15 pounds. No fair.

6. Family members who think food = love.

You know what else equals love? Calorie free hugs. It's ok to turn down Grandma's cookies from time to time. Sorry, grandma, it's not you; it's me.

7. Non-experts who constantly want to give you weight-loss advice.

These people typically aren't even dieting or on any kind of weight loss plan. Everything they learned, they learned on Pinterest.

8. People constantly trying to tempt you off the healthy-eating path.

I know it's Taco Tuesday and they're only $1.25 but that doesn't mean you have to take advantage. And if they want you to be successful then they won't want to tempt you in the first place.

9. People who thank you with food.

I know that you want to be nice and it's extremely thoughtful to show me your appreciation with the pie your mom made but I'm probably not going to be able to get your mail for you the next time you're out of town.

10. People who love healthy eating and exercising and won’t stop talking about it.

Goooood, greeeaat, I'm so happy for you. I hope you get fat in ten years.

Is there anyone else you can think of that might be bad for your diet? Who's the biggest culprit in your life?



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