Back in October of 2021, a programmer came up with Wordle, a web-based game in which players have 6 tries to guess a five-letter word. Its popularity surged in November, according to New York Times, being tweeted about over 1 million times. It has since become a part of the daily routine for millions.

How to find Wordle.

Don't be like me and search for Wordle in the App Store or Google Play.

There is an app game with the same name but it's not the game taking mobile phone users by storm. It's the first option when you do a Google search for "wordle."


Once you've clicked the link it'll take you directly to how to play the game.


Tap that "X" in the upper right corner and get ready for your new addiction.


It's not always as easy as it looks and it starts with that first word, which will decide how challenging the puzzle will be. Is there a strategy?

Farts is not a bad idea but it's not the word I start with for every puzzle.

The Struggle Is Real. (WARNING: NSFW Langauge Ahead)


I'm only a few days in and I've already experienced the irrational frustration and anxiety over nearing the end of the puzzle without completing it. I'm not alone though just look at some of these tweets.

Close call and a good reminder to not give up... or cheat.

It's definitely not as easy as it seems.

I s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e-d with that one.

You can't win 'em all.

The above scenario may call for putting the phone down for a moment and coming back after your head is clear.

Sometimes a crazy guess is a good guess.


Go with your gut.

Level 100 frustration.

Send us your Wordle results.

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