16 Instagram Photos Proving that 2016 Wasn’t So Bad After All
I don't know about you, but I am so ready to say "Bye Felicia" to 2016; for lack of a better term, it's pretty much been a total dumpster fire. We've lost so many celebrities, that the first thing I did this morning was Google Betty White to make sure she was alive.
Let's not forget some of the other surreal things that took place like Facebook live becoming our newest platform for sharing our most intimate and sometimes hellish moments, political unrest in the middle east, police shootings and the most bizarre presidential election in our nation's history...that we know of.
If you'd like to forget about all of that, then let's take a stroll down memory lane and look back at all of the fun thing we did together this year. Thank you for making our 2016 great; here are the top 16 moments that we shared on Instagram...in no particular order.
1) The Cubs Won the World Series
2) The 97ZOK Pink Party and Bra Auction
3) Geek'd Con
4) Dogs at the Disco
5) Brews and BBQ with Hansen
6) Insane Inflatable 5K
7) Our First Rockford Town Fair
8) Friday Night Flix
9) The Steve Shannon Show Turned 21
10) Small Town Showdown
11) Kidabaloo
12) The Chocoholic Frolic
13) The Valentine's Day DJ Delivery
14) Make My Monday
15) Wanna Be A ZJ?
16) You've Passed the Legacy of 97ZOK Down to Your Kids
See you later 2016; here's to an even better 2017.
Happy New Year.
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