If you're looking for someone to cuddle on the couch with this fall, you might want to take notes from this list.


I have a love hate relationship with Science. We didn't get along in high school, but we make a good team when I make cookies.

This time though, I thank Science for making me feel like I have some of the six features men find most attractive. Did you hear me Science, I said thank you!

This video comes from Business Insider, and although you can't really control the first three items on the list, you can totally control the last three.

I need more information regarding the whole "less make-up" thing though... does that actually mean less or does it mean "looks like less." If you have an answer please let me know.

6 Features Men Find Most Attractive in Women

  1. Waist to hip ratio 7:10
  2. High voice
  3. Healthy hair
  4. Smiling
  5. Less make-up
  6. Wearing red

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