Everybody loves to be the first. Be the first winner of the day at 6:05 every weekday morning, The Bedside Quiz on The Steve Shannon Show.

Monday, April 20

QUESTION: According to a new survey, 48% find THIS to be the hardest thing to do when being in the company of polite people

ANSWER: Keep from swearing

WINNER: Kelly Kastning from Stillman Valley, IL

Tuesday, April 21

QUESTION: When asked why they don' work out in a gym, 53% of people said THIS was the reason

ANSWER: Don't look good in their work out clothes

WINNER: Jessica Mora from Rockford, IL

Wednesday, April 22

QUESTION: 9 out of 10 people said that if THIS person asked for a raise, they'd give it to them

ANSWER: Babysitter

WINNER: Deb Niesman of Lena, IL

Thursday, April 23

QUESTION: This gains 110 tons of weight everyday


WINNER: Sean Jergens of Machesney Park, IL

Friday, April 24

QUESTION: 1 in 7 single women say THIS is the only reason they yes to a date

ANSWER: The free meal

WINNER: Hope Becker of Rockford

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