Biden is President, Here’s When You Could Get Your $1,400 Check
President Joe Biden's coronavirus relief plan is enormous and it includes more stimulus money for many Americans. Here's when we can expect the check to arrive.
Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion relief plan is to include an additional $1,400 to add to the $600 many already received. This massive plan is on the fast track and with Democrats in control of both the presidency and Congress, the overall plan has a good chance of passage.
While President Biden hoped for it to be passed on his first day in office, the reality is that this plan will take a little bit of time. The relief plan is not just about our checks; it also includes increasing minimum wage to $15 an hour, expanding paid leave for workers and increasing tax credits for families with children.
According to wgntv.com, analysts say that a one-off bill focusing only on just stimulus checks might be passed quickly. Something totaling nearly $2 trillion may take days if not weeks of debate and discussion.
Once Biden's plan gets approval, the Treasury Department will get to work on distributing money to us. And, the department has gotten much faster at getting that money out.
All of these things considered, February is likely to be the earliest we could see a package approved.
Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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