Brew Fitness Is The Newest Workout Craze that Needs to Come to Rockford
As someone who's dedicated the last three years of my life to health and fitness, there's something that I fee like I need to finally confess: what started as a journey to lose thirty pounds and look good naked has turned into a mission to stay fit so I can eat and drink whatever I want. There, I said it.
I know I'm not the only one. In fact, a recent study recently proved that nearly half of women workout so they can indulge in their favorite food and drinks.
Hey, no judgement here. We all need a little incentive to get into a gym from time-to-time, and if it's a glass of wine or chocolate that motivates you, so be it. For me, it's all the craft beer.
That's where Brew Fitness comes in- the newest workout craze in Milwaukee that needs to find a home here in Rockford.
According to The Journal Sentinel, Brew Fitness offers local beers on tap, freshly brewed coffee and you can even bring your dog. Seriously, it doesn't get better than that.
Classes include a core strength class called "Keg to 6-Pack" (obviously), yoga, and strength training; all of which you can take as a single class, get as a 10-pack or take as many as you'd like with their unlimited package.
As of right now, there are no plans to expand Brew City, but their owner, Ryan Mleziva, says, "Brew Fitness could go into any city that has a brewery culture and a love for the city. Any area that has a love for coffee and beer would love Brew Fitness. It could be the next big franchise — who knows."
Are you reading this Rockford Roasting Company? Prairie Street? Carlyle?
Who wants to bring this gym to Rockford?
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