As soon as cicadas arrived in Illinois, we couldn't help but wonder when the "Cicadapocalpyse" would be over.  We might have an answer.  There's hope!

I've been absolutely blessed to not encounter a single cicada yet, but I really don't want to jinx that.  My sister walked outside her house in Chicago and her trees were COVERED in cicada exoskeletons... so gross.


A woman in Chicago barricaded herself in her car while having a panic attack after her house was surrounded by cicadas.

It has become a real phobia for a lot of people!

Read More: Illinois Woman Barricades Herself in Car to Avoid Cicada Invasion 

This invasion has gotten so bad that we all just want it to end.  Will we ever seen an end to this madness, though?

You'll be happy to know that cicadas only have a lifespan of four weeks. FOUR ENTIRE WEEKS!  They might be loud and buzzing right now, but give it a few more weeks and they'll finally die off.

"Dr. Gene Kritsky, dean of Behavioral and Natural Sciences at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, who has been tracking the emergence across the U.S. and particularly in Illinois, said the emergence will likely last through at least mid-June." [nbcchicago]

If you live in the West-end of Chicago, the Oak Park, Palos Park, Park Forest, Lake Forest, and Highland Park areas, you're getting hit the hardest with these noisy bugs.

Read More: Chicago's Latest Craze: Try Cicada-Infused Malört Shots 

As much as we would love to be cicada-free in Illinois right now, we have to let them live out their lifespan and then we'll be able to enjoy summer!  Mark your calendars - mid to late June is when we'll start seeing cicadas die off.

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