I know sleep isn't my friend these days. I remember when people called me "Sleeping Beauty," because all I did was sleep when I were younger. My Grandma always feared I would sleep my life away. Well, I can assure her, that I won't, even if I wanted to.

If you're not making time to catch your zzzzzzzzzzz, your complexion may be paying the price. Here are a couple of things your welcoming when sleep isn't on your agenda-

Acne- At 39 I would think I wouldn't break out anymore, but I do...and my lack of sleep isn't helping. So, get your rest for a beautiful complexion!

Wrinkles-Sleeping is mega important in cell-renewal so if you're not making sleep an important part of your night, you may just age quicker, and no body wants that!

Uneven skin tone can always be caused by lack of sleep. Sleep is cheaper then foundation, so get some shut eye and save your skin.

Hopefully you and sleep will become best friends forever! It's one friend you really need.



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