If you've been trying to get pregnant, what have you tried so far?

Did you just say, "ugh, everything?" You've pulled the goalie, stopped taking birth control, quit smoking, cut back on caffeine, started working out, you're eating healthy; you've tried the gravity method, sipped sludge, and you've even gone as far as counting on crystals..but nothing seems to work.

Try this- have one glass of red wine every week. It seems obvious; drinking any kind of alcohol could probably help as it increases your libido and helps you feel sensual and relaxed; but according to the Daily Mail, a  new study has shown that red wine specifically helps with good ovary health and increases the quantity of eggs for hopeful moms to be.

Doctors warn that in order for it to be effective, and not put you or your future baby's health at risk, that you should make sure you drink less than 6 glasses of wine per week and when choosing your wine, you should try "Pea in the Pod's Preggo Noir."

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Catch Mandy James on “The Steve Shannon Show with Mandy James” on 97 ZOK from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram and Facebook



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