I hope you're done eating breakfast, and I hope you didn't find what can only be described as a rubber band in yours.

So, I pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast every day. Mushrooms, spinach, egg whites and ketchup. Don't knock it until you try it. Though I'm not sure why I'm defending my food choice today because I found this in my bowl.



To be completely honest, I found it in my mouth. Eww gross, I know. I chewed this!

I also spit it out and threw away the rest of my food. Thank God for microwave oatmeal at my desk.

So I think this is some sort of rubber band that was in the egg white cartoon I poured out of, but my friend thinks I would have noticed that before I cooked them (via microwave, because I promise it usually tastes good).

What's the grossest thing you've ever found in your food?

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