I'm completely dedicated when it comes to my work outs. I've been trying to reach goals for over 2 years, and at times my body has paid the price. I'm one of those people that want results RIGHT NOW, and I'll do whatever it takes to get them. At one point in my journey, I was working out 3 hours a day and without realizing it at the time, damaging my body. In the last year, I have broken blood vessels in my head and that to me, was a huge warning sign to slow down. Finally, I'm listening to my body.

There are some fitness experts speaking out about exercises you need to stop doing at the gym, so I thought I would share them with you because a couple of these surprised me, especially this first one...

Crunches- When I'm working my abs, all I'm thinking about are my abs, but crunches according to some trainers are horrible for your back. Think of it as a credit card. You bend it back and forth and at some point it will break in half. With all the back and forth motion on your back, crunches can end up damaging it...for a lifetime.

Behind the head lat pulldown- This motion can do damage to your shoulders and your neck if you're not doing it correctly. This move requires that you have very flexable shoulders or it could do damage to your rotator cuff. I've had a couple of trainers tell me you really don't need to isolate a day just for shoulders since your working them throughout the week during your other workouts.

Kettlebell Swings- I see people all of the time at the gym do these wrong. And of course, if you do it wrong, you will strain your back and shoulders.

There are other moves some fitness experts want you to stop doing--------here.

Take it from me...listen to your body. If you feel anything that's not right, simply stop. Your brain may want you to keep going, but the more damage to your body, the likely the chance you'll have to lay low for a couple of weeks and you'll never reach your goals.


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