Get ready to go back in time, to your first day of kindergarten.

On my first day of kindergarten I met my friend Stevie, who is still one of my best friends. In fact, I'm the Maid of Honor in her wedding later this month.

GoPros didn't exist in 1992, but video cameras did, and you can hear me in the background as my mom recorded my brother's first day of second grade, "Mom, this is my new friend, Stephanie."

Which is really weird, because that's the only time in my life I called her Stephanie and not Stevie.

Whoever had the idea to send this adorable little girl to kindergarten wearing a GoPro is a genius. Within the first 45 seconds I was transported to my elementary school and the cubbies where we stored our jackets and backpacks.

So cute and such a great way to capture a memory like the first day of school for her and her parents.

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