Former Rockfordian’s Sixty Second Explanation of ‘Black Out Tuesday’ Goes Viral
If you don't understand the idea behind Black Out Tuesday, let Bo fill you in.
Today has been an important day in social media history. As far as I know there hasn't been a movement this large online and off-line since the Internet was invented.
But as you opened your social media accounts this morning, like me, you were trying to figure out what all of this meant.
Yes learning and listening to the black community was something you wanted to do, but was posting a black square on your IG feed adding to the movement, or adding to the problem?
Bo Tillmon explained the entire thing in less than sixty seconds and his video has been shared so many times throughout the day.
Thank you, Bo!
Catch Midday Michelle on 97 ZOK from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
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