Feeling guilty about that thing you told your best friend that about your co-worker? Relax, it's not the worst thing in the world, and it actually might be good for you.

According to a journal, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, both positive and negative gossip can be good for us. Phew, I feel much better.

When we hear positive gossip, which I guess is about someone getting ready to propose or losing weight or getting a promotion or making awesome cookies, we use what we hear and our brains store that in a way that promotes our own self-improvement. So listen to good stuff in other people's lives, and in turn maybe things will spark in your life.

Now, onto the negative gossip, which I have to say most likely outweighs the positive... when we hear the negative gossip, it boosts our own egos.

We talk about other people's problems and negative stuff in their lives and we perk up just a little. It's kinda like, finally realizing no one is perfect, everyone has their own kinda crazy inside.

Also, when we hear negative gossip about someone, it makes us think about the things going on in our lives, then maybe we will change things we do so that others don't talk about us in the same way as what we just heard.

So guys, next time someone starts to tell you something juicy, just listen to it, because gossip is kinda good for you.


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