The old saying IS true! And a Rutgers University study just backed it up. The key to a happy marriage is...

A HAPPY WIFE. The saying 'happy wife, happy life' is absolutely true. The biggest key to a happy marriage is something that gets thrown around as a cliche on a young man's wedding day. If she's happy, her husband tends to be happier too.  And if she's UNhappy, her husband tends to be unhappy too.  It's very rare that there's a couple where the husband is satisfied and happy in the marriage and his wife isn't.

The researchers say, quote, "When a wife is satisfied with the marriage, she tends to do a lot more for her husband, which has a positive effect on his life."

While as Rebecah said, "making a woman happy is a full-time job", the 'paychecks' for that gig are pretty fantastic!

My neighbors, who've been together more than 35 years, showed me the power of two other keys to a happy marriage:

  1. Touching their face lightly when giving them a 'hello' kiss
  2. Snuggling on the couch

She kissed him after being gone for a couple hours and I watched what it did to the hair on his arms. And, while the four of us watched the Green Bay packer game, she came into the room and immediately sat down and nestled in and instead of keeping his 'game-watching' posture he welcomed the snuggle time.

I guess we can learn many things about marriage by watching others. It's about a feeling and a great couple will ALWAYS make you feel something when they're in the room (or the Rock River).

Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media
Steve Shannon, Townsquare Media


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