You've done it before. Admit it. But you were probably under 10 years old.

Maybe it's been more recently, but you don't have to confess.

Booger-eating is a kid activity. I know SO many booger-eating kids they could form a football team. It's gross, but we've all been there.

I recall a conversation with my oldest niece when she was eating her boogers when I told her if she kept doing that she would turn into her Uncle Michael. She stopped, or at least started doing it alone in the bathroom, which is much more acceptable.

This video is hilarious and gross, but totally worth watching... because it's hilarious and gross. Adults who used to eat boogers all the time, dive deep in their nostrils for a snack.

The best part? Is the end where one of the guys says, "If you're still eating boogers as an adult, make sure no one's looking."

The second best part was Sweet Lenny and Steve Shannon being super grossed out at the video, but Mandy James and I being totally fine about it.

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