These comments clearly show how little ability most of us have to see into the future. Like none.

Happy 14th Birthday iPod: Best Comments from Day it Was Released
Apple Corp. via Getty Images

On October 23, 2001, Steve Jobs launched what he described as a “revolutionary” product known as the iPod and most Mac fans, didn't see the point. Even CD Walkman users thought it wasn't necessary to buy a $399 mp3 player that held 1,000 songs... that would be me.

A Reddit user found this funny (looking back with what we know now) MacRumors thread from 2001 that demonstrates our lack of vision.

Raise your hand if you have iTunes... Raise your hand if you have a FireWire port... Raise your hand if you have both... Raise your hand if you have $400 to spend on a cute Apple device... There is Apple’s market. Pretty slim, eh? I don’t see many sales in the future of iPod.


If the ipod is only the world’s most baddass MP3 player then I don’t know if I’m really going to stand in line to buy it, I have a cd walkman and a burner already, and besides that now that I don’t have a dotcom job anymore I need that $400 to pay car payments and rent. Steve, bring down the price or add video to it and I’ll eat TopRamen for a month to afford one.


No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.


This iPod is for spoil rich kids with insane parents or an Apple fan as fannatic as a Taliban. It has good features but forget about getting it for $399!!!! Never, who gets that thing is a very stupid person.

See more of our ridiculous lack of foresight at Jezebel.

Here's the first commercial for the device that helped completely change the music business as we know it... the iPod.

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