How Much Should You Really Tip at Illinois Hair and Nail Salons?
Are you tipping enough when you get your hair done? What about when you're getting a mani and pedi? An Illinois salon fills us in on what we should be tipping in 2024.
The concept of tipping can be confusing. What services do we tip for? Do we tip a flat rate? Do we tip based on the bill? Based on how well we think the service provider did the job we asked them? Do we tip the same at a restaurant as we do at a hair salon?
No wonder Google named 'Tipping Culture,' as one of the top searches of the month this January.
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I love seeing that Americans are actually looking this up, it is important to know what the tipping culture is depending on what part of the world you're in and what we should be tipping for services.
Tipping Culture in Illinois
Before I waited tables, I didn't understand tipping very well. I didn't know that restaurant servers didn't actually make minimum wage, and that their take home pay was based more on tips than anything else.
I also didn't know that salon staff generally rents their space inside the salon and pays the owner to be there.
That's a lot to take in!
What to tip at Illinois salons?
In order to clear some things up, I asked my salon friends a few questions and I am here to report that 20 percent is still the standard tipping percent for hair and nail salons. That's the standard, which is what you SHOULD tip as long as you received what you asked for from your stylist, and you can always tip more for great service!
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