Illinois Talk Show Names Best Pizza in The Area
When was the last time you had the Stateline's Best Pizza?
October is many things, it's time to find your winter coat and then only wear it once, it's usually when we all have the best looking hair, it's national chili and pasta month, AND it's national pizza month!
Believe me, I love pasta more than most people, but I think pizza reigns surpreme when we're talking about October's most exciting elements.
We all love to think we know who makes the best pizza in the area, but does your favorie align with the votes we had this month on Good Day Stateline?
Let me tell you, this was the most delicious and fun week I've even been a part of on Good Day Stateline.
I got the chance to visit, Lino's, Sam's Ristorante and Pizzeria on Riverside, Pietro's Pizzeria, Villa Di Roma and Windsor Pizza Parlor, some of which I hadn't even had the chance to try before!
But when it came down to the numbers, only one pizza place could take the title of 'Stateline's Best.'
And the winner is...
Sam's Ristorate and Pizzeria on Riverside!
Not only did Gino and Joe stop by GDS to cheers with some blood red sangria, they're also offering a Stateline's Best deal: a large one topping pizza, salad and pop for $22.50, just tell them you want the Stateline's Best special.
Coming soon on Good Day Stateline, we're looking for the Stateline's Best Pie so you know you want to keep watching!
GDS is on weeknight on FOX39 at 5:30 and 11pm.
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