On June 23rd, during a lightning storm in Virginia, a storm photographer caught something even he didn't notice right away. Come see for yourself.

Michael Jackson's untimely death came on June 25, 2009. It was a moment that many recall exactly what they were dong when they heard the news. I was preparing for our annual summer party in our backyard and couldn't believe that the man who helped me get through my childhood was gone.

Photographer John Plashal didn't notice what the combination of clouds and light had created. But as you can easily see, without any enhancements done to the photo, Michael Jackson is giving us one more moonwalk from the heavens.

Is Michael Jackson Moonwalking In the Clouds On Anniversary of His Death
John Plashal

Get more details on the King of Pop's cloud appearance from WGN TV.

I also still remember sitting in my living room with my parents in 1983 and watching the Motown 25 special and seeing Michael do the moonwalk for the first time on national television.

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