Allow me to paint a picture: You hear a radio contest that you really want to win, maybe it's concert or event tickets, money, or a flyaway experience, so you hit call or do whatever is required for the contest. Then what?

Tip: Listening To Actual Radio Might Give You A Better Chance To Win

If you're listening to a radio station through a website or mobile app you should understand there's a slight delay between real time and however long it takes to cross into the digital world.

It could be a few seconds or a few minutes, your guess is as good as mine. Regardless, the advantage is listening through an actual radio.


You just won concert tickets on the radio, and you're feeling like the king or queen of the world. But hold your horses before you toss those tickets on your socials hoping for a profit.

Selling those tickets might not be the brilliant move you think it is. In fact, it could land you in some hot water faster than you can ask "Am I the right caller?"

First, my eager ticket-flipping friend, let's talk about the contest rules. Believe it or not, some radio stations actually frown upon winners selling the prizes won through contests.


I can't speak for the suits and ties of radio but I'd be willing to bet they would roll their eyes at the thought of someone profiting off their generosity. So, before you try to make a quick buck, make sure you're not violating any of those pesky contest regulations.

You wouldn't want to be banned from winning contests ever again, would you? I mean, what's life without a steady stream of random freebies? And, yes, you can be banned from winning if you're caught selling free tickets, a.k.a comp tickets.

Read More: Illinoisans, Get Ready To Pay More For Gas And Food–Here’s Why

On the other side of the deal, if someone is trying to sell you tickets and there is no price listed on the stub (digital or physical) they're trying to rip you off. They didn't pay for them so why should you?

Ever heard of scalping tickets?

Selling those concert or event tickets could get you into some serious legal trouble, especially if you reside in the great state of Illinois. Yes, ticket scalping is illegal there.

Selling tickets for more than face value is scalping. So, unless you're eager to face the wrath of the legal system, it's probably best to keep those tickets for your own enjoyment.

Even if you manage to escape the clutches of the law, the venue might not be so keen on your entrepreneurial spirit. Many event spaces have strict policies against ticket scalping, and so do some performers.



An example of this is Garth Brooks, who forces out the lousy scalper by making sure the primary ticket holder's name is printed on the ticket, physical or digital. You can try sneaking passed this step but they won't hesitate to show you the door if they catch wind of your shenanigans.

Is it worth ending up standing outside, desperately hoping to hear the concert, or, even worse, jumping on socials to see if anyone is doing a live video inside?

Pay It Forward Or Don't Play The Game

My dear radio contest winners, think twice before you attempt to sell those golden tickets. We don't take kindly to your money-making schemes, the law might see it as scalping, and the venue could kick you to the curb.

QUIZ: Can you identify 50 famous companies by their logos?

How well do you know the logos of 50 of the world's most famous companies? Keep scrolling to see if you can guess which icon belongs to which brand.


LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-adjusted prices for each year.

Read on to explore the cost of gas over time and rediscover just how much a gallon was when you first started driving.


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