How tired are you right now reading this?  If the answer is very, it's probably because you didn't get enough sleep last night.

What is keeping Illinois awake at night?  What is waking you up at night?  The amount of people doing one certain thing in bed is quite shocking and can be the reason why we are all so tired.

Illinois Is Not Getting Enough Sleep

Super Blood Moon And Total Lunar Eclipse Seen In Auckland
Getty Images

The Sleep Foundation recommends 7 hours of sleep.  But many in Illinois are only getting 6 hours of shut-eye a night.

40% of Americans are going to bed between 10:00 - 11:00 p.m.  While this might seem like a normal time, many are waking up earlier and/or not sleeping through the night, which can be a problem.

We Keep Waking Up At Night

Tom Roberts/Unsplash
Tom Roberts/Unsplash

Half of us are waking up one to two times a night.  The reasons we wake up?

  • Thirsty for a drink - 36%
  • The room being too hot - 32%
  • Bad dream - 24%
  • Worries about your general to-do list on the following day - 18%
  • Person you’re sleeping next to waking you up e.g., snoring, kicking, etc - 17%
  • Randomly thinking about something you forgot to do that day - 17%
  • Noise outside - 15%
  • Worries that you’re going to oversleep/miss your alarm - 15%
  • Electronic devices such as your phone going off e.g., ringing - 13%
  • Work worries for the following day - 13%
  • Hunger for something to eat - 12%

What Are You Doing In Bed That Isn't Sleeping?


Really, there should just be one answer to the above question.  Beds should be there for two reasons.  One is sleeping.  The other.  Yeah, obviously.

So what do Americans do in bed other than sleeping?

  • To watch movies/series - 68%
    • No!  This is the number one killer of sleep and the number one killer of the only other thing to do in bed.  TVs should stay in the family room and not be in bedrooms.
  • Relations with partner - 47%
    • Good for you.
  • To listen to music/podcasts - 45%
    • We'll allow this...if it's us.
  • Eating food - 31%
    • The second very big NO.  Not only is this taking away from sleep and "fun time" but also is also unhealthy for you.
  • To catch up with family and friends via calls, etc  - 28%
    • Catch up with them while driving.  Hands free of course.
  • To meditate - 27%
    • Isn't this just sleeping while being awake?
  • Drinking - 20%
    • Like, booze?  Again, see bullet point two.  Unless this is the only way you and the spouse can get to that point.
  • To work e.g., send/respond to emails, etc - 19%
    • Let future you worry about work emails.  Current you needs sleep.
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All of these things are taking away from your sleep.  Or, more importantly, "relations".  (Makes me laugh that the survey called it that.)  Both sleep and "relations" are important for your health.  Mental, physical, and emotional.

So get the TV out of the bedroom.  Leave the food in the kitchen.  Shut off the phone.  Go to sleep.

And thank you for reading this while lying in bed.

Keep Looking: Clothing Optional - Sexual Freedom Campsite In Wisconsin

A short drive from the Quad Cities will take you to the land of beer and cheese known as Wisconsin. A bit more of a drive to the Northwoods of Wisconsin and you will find an isolated 60 acre "No Clothes Necessary" campground. Welcome to "Camp NCN North".
Camp NCN North calls itself an "Adult Campground" where clothing is optional and sexual freedom is encouraged.

Most "Redneck" Towns In The Midwest

Since the popular Youtube channel run by Nick Johnson has made a video about almost every state when it comes to redneck towns we decided to take the number spot from each of those videos and put them in a list of the most redneck towns in the Midwest. In no particular order here are your most redneck towns.