Lady Gaga's video for 'G.U.Y.' drops this Saturday night (March 22) on NBC's 'Dateline' and she offered a sneak peak of the opulent, ultra glam and somewhat shrouded-in-secrecy clip, featuring 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,' during a breakfast TV chat on the 'TODAY' show (March 21).

In the behind-the-scenes clip, we see Gaga offering all sorts of direction to the cast and crew. We see her sexy costumes with long, platinum, Donatella-like hair, which she also wore for this interview. Remember, Gaga was reportedly bitten by a creature on set.

During the BTS footage, she stated, "I live between two things, I live between art and pop all the time." Don't we know it!

For the live interview portion, she spoke a little about the vid, too. "It was a big production, we shot for six days," Ma Monster said. "We had a great time."

Gaga also confessed she doesn't mind the morning hours and getting up early for breakfast TV, unlike diva Mariah Carey, who has said she hates waking up for promo.

With her long mermaid wig framing her face and her body, she said, "There is a perception that what I am doing is all a big show. I really, truly feel it's part of me. Every moment of my life is devoted to my music and to my fans and it's really, truly me."

Even without her 'Fame,' Gaga would still wear her necksnapper heels, just while waltzing around the LES.

Her SXSW puke performance was addressed, to which she said, "Millie and I know not everyone is going to love that performance, but we both believe in artistic expression and strong identities. 'ARTPOP' is about bringing art and music together in the spirit of creative rebellion… Did we want the controversy? I suppose it doesn't matter."

Gaga was also asked if she has regrets, answering, "Well, no, since I feel everything happens for a reason and you learn every time there is a challenge in your life… so I would say no. I am a musician and artist so I am always editing and changing."

Ma Monster revealed she is writing new music already and shared that the most normal thing she does during her off hours is tend bar. "I love to stop at my dad's restaurant in New York, Joanne, and I hop behind the bar and start bartending and I don't tell him," she said.

She is a strong pour and Papa G tells her not to waste the booze.

If you hit up Joanne, Gaga might serve you a drinker, Manhattanites!

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