A man's love is put to the test when his ex and his current girlfriend jump into a river to see who he'd save. Guess how it ends.

Women are crazy. There, I said it. We are, but we can't help ourselves; men make us that way. Am I right, ladies?  But there's definitely a line that can be crossed when it comes to your level of craziness. Look, I get it, break ups are hard and we can't help ourselves when we just want to test things out with an ex, just to be sure things are really over. We all need a little closure. However, there's a right way to get closure, and then there's the deadly way. I'm hoping you're smart enough to go with the former.

Unlike 20-year-old Jun Tang. Tang was dumped by her boyfriend, Wu Hsia; Hsia left her for another girl, 22-year-old Rong Tsao.  Tang couldn't accept the fact that it was over so she stalked Hsia until he broke down and set up a meeting between the three of them to set the record straight.

What was he thinking?

All three of them met up for the meeting and the two girls began to fight, a guys dream come true - two chicks fighting over him. If he was getting any pleasure out of it, that ended when the ex-girlfriend jumped into the river and begged for him to save her. Then, the current girlfriend jumped in.

Hsia, the boyfriend, is a smart guy, he jumped in and saved his current girlfriend. And in an even smarter move, he called his brother to come and save his ex. What a guy.

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