MASSIVE Pot Farm Busted in Wisconsin, Entire Place Goes up in Smoke
When police order for an ENTIRE POT FARM to be destroyed, I see that old TV commercial where the Native American is standing there and the single tear rolls down his face. But this isn't hills of garbage, and the Native American isn't wearing a Grateful Dead shirt.
Dateline: Franklin, Wisconsin...a farmer was leasing out his land for what he thought was a "hemp" grow...Close, really close, but no. He said he knew there was hemp being grown, but was unaware of the THC versions of things...This farm is in Franklin, Wisc where houses and kids and businesses are close by.
With the police and FBI now taking over the land, there was an order to "destroy" everything. Make sure it's all gone ASAP...Nooooooo!!!
Court documents show "confidential informants" freakin' narcs, tipped off police back in August of 2021 and then they applied for and were received a search warrant by Milwaukee County Courts. This is when the weed farm, died.
O.K. so let's take a look at the news report about this, one of the TV anchors seems destroyed by this. OMG where am I gonna get my weed this weekend! Check this out:
Now with a YouTube post like this, you know the comments will be epic:
Bonafied Angered Penguin Regardless of how illegal it is There is nothing more beautiful than the look of a marijuana farm under tiny plastic tents over a morning blue sky
The Real Deal Wow! Vinnie on Court TV just said with much excitement: "they burned it! They burned all of the marijuana!!! " LOL! Naw Vinnie, they didn't really burn it ALL hahaha! Cops get high too pfft!
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