Waking up without coffee can be a real nightmare! Here are some other ways to get moving in the morning, without indulging in a hot cup of Java!

  1. Do "fish pose" stretches. Lie on your back and slowly arch your chest and shoulders upward while you tilt your head downward.
  2. Eat an apple. This crunchy fruit stabilizes blood sugars; pair it with a protein, like Greek yogurt, to feel sated all morning long.
  3. Work out first thing in the morning. Going for a run as soon as you get out of bed boosts mood and energy levels.
  4. Or just go for a gentle stroll. The proverbial "breath of fresh air" reduces feelings of stress and fatigue, and some sunlight will brighten your mood.
  5. Take a cold shower. The instant change in temperature can relieve stress and make you feel more alert.

Learn about other ways to get up and movin' in the morning ---->here!


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