There is a lot of responsibility when it comes to owning a pet.  It's not a short-term adventure, it's a lifelong commitment to another living thing.

I adopted my two cats, Ramen and Noodles, with the intention of having companions for myself and for both of them, as well.  I only ever owned a dog before, so it was an entirely different world living with cats.  I wouldn't trade it for the world, though!  My furbabies are my everything.

Related: Watch Adorable Illinois Cat Play Fetch Like a Dog

Ramen (left) and Noodles (right)

Via Author
Via Author

Nearly 90 million households in America have a pet of some sort.  Whether it's a dog, a cat, a horse... you name it, someone is taking care of one right now!

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What're the top benefits of raising a pet, though?

4 Reasons You Should Definitely Own A Pet In Illinois

  • Increase opportunities to exercise
  • Decrease our stress levels and loneliness
  • We're more likely to socialize
  • Extra protection (especially if you live alone)

Honestly, all of those are awesome reasons to adopt (don't shop!).  My favorite reason to own a pet is actually more playful than anything.

What did your camera roll look like before you had a pet? Pretty boring, right?  Now check your photos... it's probably all full of selfies of you and your pets.  Don't lie!

Related: Dog Adoptions Have Been Suspended at Rockford Shelter

Adrian G.
Adrian G.

#1 Reason You Should Definitely Own A Pet In Illinois

The endless memories you get to make with your furbabies.

We asked on Facebook for pet parents to share the funniest photos of their pets and the response was incredible.  Nothing makes us happier than people sharing moments of their adorable furbabies.  Tell me I'm wrong!

Here are 27 of the cutest Rockford pets shared by pet parents that'll make your day!

27 Cutest Rockford Pet Selfies Shared By Illinois Pet Parents

Gallery Credit: Emily

24 Spoiled Rockford Dogs That Are Guaranteed to Make You Saw "AW!"

What the dog wants, the dog gets.

Gallery Credit: Facebook

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