Parents Are Heartbroken After a Local School District Says ‘No’ to Making Cards for Officer Jaimie Cox
As a parent, I consider myself to be very fortunate that the one thing I've never had to do is sit my son down at a very young age and have a conversation about someone very special dying.
It can be hard for a child to comprehend why bad things happen to good people, but this week it's a topic that's being talked about in a lot of Stateline area homes after the death of Rockford Police Officer Jaimie Cox.
What have you told your children and should that conversation carry on over into their classrooms?
That's the question being asked after a parent sent an email to Ralston Elementary School, asking if his child's classroom would like to put together something for Officer Cox's visitation today.
Because of the sensitive nature of the event, the teacher thought it was best that the kids create something at home; not at school. She was very kind and courteous in her response and handled herself in a professional manner.
But I'm curious, what are your thoughts? Should schools be having talks with our kids about people in our community passing on and encouraging them to express their sympathies, even if they don't know exactly who died or what happened?