The Poplar Grove, Illinois compound, that houses the Oscar Mike Foundation, was paid another visit. This time, TLC's Designing Spaces, finished the remodel.

If you're not familiar with the Oscar Mike Foundation, here's the perfect introduction. What was started by Poplar Grove's Noah Currier, a paralyzed Marine Corp veteran, has turned into a global source of tremendous joy and accomplishment for the wounded men and women of the U.S. Military.

"The Oscar Mike Foundation has the mission to keep injured Veterans "On-the-Move" in all aspects of life and inspire everyone to do the same. "

You may be asking yourself where the name Oscar Mike comes from. Watch Designing Spaces glow up of the O.M. compound and you'll find out.

As you probably noticed while watching the video above, Oscar Mike has some great apparel. Visit their website to get you some.

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